1. Choose the correct statement

  1. The International Day of Plant Health is observed on May 12. 
  2. The day was established in 2024 by the United Nations.

2. Which of the following statements is/are correct regardingSHAKTI?

  1. It is a Joint Military Exercise between India and France. 
  2. In 2024 it was conducted in France. 

3. India recently signed a 10-year contract for the operation of the Shahid Beheshti Port Terminal with which country? 



4. The International Day of Plant Health us observed in which day? 



5. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding Chabahar Port?

  1. India recently signed a 10-year contract for the operation of the Shahid Beheshti Port Terminal in Chabahar Port. 
  2. It is located in Iraq

6. Choose the correct statements regarding the National Human Rights Commission.

    1. Recently it was deferred accreditation by the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions.
    2. This is the first time India’s status has been suspended. 

7. SHAKTI is a Joint Military Exercise conducted between India and which country?


8. National Human Rights Commission has been deferred accreditation by which organization? 



9. World Migratory Bird Day is observed on which day? 



10. Choose the incorrect statement 

  1. World Migratory Bird Day is observed on May 13.

   2. The day was observed for the first time in 2006.