1. Recently India has granted $1 million financial assistance for Papua New Guinea.In this context which of the following statements is/are correct?

  1. Papua New Guinea was hit by volcanic eruption. 
  2. The country is the partner of India under the Forum for India-Pacic Islands Cooperation (FIPIC)

2. Choose the correct statements regarding Forum for India-Pacic Islands Cooperation (FIPIC) which was seen in news recently. 

  1. It was formed on November 2014.
  2. It is a multinational grouping of India and 14 Pacific Islands nations.

3. Which country is the top trading partner of India in 2023-24? 



4. Choose the correct statement

  1. Recently Spain, Norway and Ireland formally recognised the Palestinian state.
  2. Recently 143 out of 193 members of the United Nations’ general assembly voted in favour of a Palestinian bid for full UN members



5. According to the data released by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, India is Trade deficit with how many countries out of its top 10 trading partners in the Financial Year 2023-24?


6. India recently granted $1 million financial assistance to which country which was hit by flood and landslip? 



7. India has a free trade agreement with which of the following countries? 



8. Choose the correct statement

    1. According to data released by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry India is Trade deficit with out of its top 10 trading partners in the Financial Year 2023-24.
    2. China has emerged as India’s largest trading partner with $118.4 billion in 2023-24.

9. Choose the correct statement

  1. International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers is observed on May 29 
  2. Theme for 2024 is Fit for the future, building better together.

10. International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers is observed on which day?