Daily Current Affairs Quiz 13-03-2020

1. Where is cyber crime prevention unit AASHVAST recently launched?


2. Which ministry launched Purvodaya scheme?


3. What is the theme of CLIX conference held in Abu Dubai?


4. Which of the following state first introduced 3-tier panchayat raj system?


5. Which state released special textbooks for intellectual disability students?


6. Vanga nari-a Jallikattu like event conducted in Khanum Pongal is famous in which of the following District?


7. Sultan Qaboos recently passed away ruled which of the following Arab country for last 5 decades?


8. ICGS Annie besant and Amrit Kaur are recently commissioned in which of the following city?


9. When was Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) enacted?


10. Where is National youth festival 2020-organized?