Gujarat govt launches unique initiative ‘UmbareAanganwadi’ to help children during lockdown

Gujarat govt launches unique initiative ‘UmbareAanganwadi’ to help children during lockdown
  • Gujarat state Government has launched an unique initiative called ‘UmbareAanganwadi

    (means doorstep Aanganwadi) under ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services) programme to reach out to children during the lockdown.

  • Under this initiative, the state will offer ready to eat nutritious food packets through AMUL (an Indian dairy cooperative society) to children between 3-6 years of age

Key Points:

  • Under this initiative, the ICDS department of the state will mainly offers ready to eat nutritious food packets through AMUL (an Indian dairy cooperative society) to its beneficiaries including 14 lakh children between 3-6 years of age, pregnant and nursing women and adolescent girls through the network of around 53 thousand Aanganwadi.

What is Anganwadi?

  • Anganwadi is a government-supported center at the village level to cater to the nutritional, health and education needs of young children.
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