Bay of Bengal Inter-Governmental Organisation
▪ India has recently assumed the Chairmanship of the Bay of Bengal Inter-Governmental Organisation (BOBP-IGO) from Bangladesh.
▪ This transition took place during the 13th Governing Council Meeting held in Malé, Maldives.
▪ The event was part of a high-level conference focused on mainstreaming ecosystem approaches to fisheries management in small-scale fisheries.
▪ The BOBP-IGO was established in 2003.
▪ This Regional Fisheries Advisory Body (RFAB) gives advice on fishing to countries around the Bay of Bengal.
▪ Its primary aim is to assist member countries in enhancing livelihood opportunities for small-scale fisherfolk in the Bay of Bengal region.
▪ Current member countries include Bangladesh, Maldives, and Sri Lanka.
▪ Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand participate as cooperating non-contracting parties.