Corruption Index Rankings Released ▪ India ranks 96th with 38 points in the 2024 Corruption Index. ▪ Last year, it was ranked 93rd with 39 points, and in 2022, it was 85th with 40 points. ▪ Countries scoring 100 points are considered corruption-free, while those with 7 points are considered highly corrupt. ▪ Neighboring Countries: Pakistan (135th with 27 points), Sri Lanka (121st with 32 points), Bangladesh (151st with 23 points), China (76th with 43 points) ▪ Leading Countries: Denmark (1st with 90 points), Finland (2nd with 88 points), Singapore (3rd with 84 points) ▪ Last Place: South Sudan, along with Somalia, Venezuela, and Yemen are among the most corrupt countries