Fit India in collaboration with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is organized a first-of-a-kind live fitness session under its Fit India Active Day programme for school children across the country from 15thApril 2020 at 9:30 am. The decision has been taken due to the nation-wide lockdown till May 3, 2020, to counter COVID-19 which has restricted the activities of children. These online sessions will enable children to practice fitness even at home in order to remain healthy. The guidelines of the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurvedic, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) to stay healthy and to build immunity will also be shared with students during this programme. About Fit India Movement: Launched on 29 Aug 2019 by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi its aim is to make physical fitness as part of lifestyle by teaching and practicing the art of taking care of one’s body and health daily. In this regard, Fit India Mission mandated schools to organize a Fit India School Weekin the month of November/December to attain a Fit India School Certification.