Category Archives: National Diary of Events

ICMR allows state governments to set up sample collection sites

HRD Ministry along with AICTE initiated “Samadhan” challenge for students to fight covid-19

Karnataka to launch YouTube channel for children

Krishi Vigyan Kendra: Door Delivery of Fish Scheme

Jan Aushashi Sugam App lauched: Essential Medicines home delivered by “Swasth Ke Sipahi”

Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal announces 5T plan to control the spread of COVID-19

NHAI achieved record 3,979 km highways construction in FY 19-20

“Lifeline UDAN” initiative launched by Ministry of Civil Aviation

Central government constitutes 10-member group headed by NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh kant to fight corona

To sanitize people, ‘V Safe Tunnel’ installed in Telangana