dgsd Tamil International Development Department (SLAF) Secretary K.Pandiyarajan has announced that the World…
dgsd The Maharashtra’s Government’s “Smart gram yojana” will be named after former Deputy…
dgsd The 24thmeeting of the Eastern Zonal Council, comprising of the States of…
dgsd Defence Minister of India Rajnath Singh inaugurated the production house of Light…
dgsd Earth might have a tiny new moon. On 19 February, astronomers at…
dgsd University of British Columbia astronomy student Michelle Kunimoto has discovered 17 new…
dgsd Government approved a total of 32 projects under ‘unit’ scheme of Pradhan…
dgsd Gold - R Rajesh (University of Madras) 47.36 s in 400m.
dgsd Saurav Ghosal and Veer Chotrani have been shortlisted among Indians for the Asian…
dgsd Indian Coast Guard's offshore patrol vessel 'Varad' was commissioned by Union Shipping…