dgsd Delhi Chief Minister(CM) Arvind Kejriwal announced a 5T plan which includes- Testing, Tracing, Treatment, Teamwork…
dgsd National Highways Authority of India (NHAI)has achieved the highest ever highway construction feat…
dgsd “Lifeline UDAN” is an initiative which has been launched by the Ministry…
dgsd In order to deal with this coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, the central governmenthas constituted…
dgsd To achieve the aim of sanitizing people, ‘V Safe Tunnel’ has been…
dgsd Indian Railway’s Rail Coach Factory (RCF) in Kapurthala, Punjab has developed a low-cost…
dgsd Union Minister of Human Resource Development (HRD) Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ launched a…
dgsd Associations representing officers of Central Civil Services, including the Indian Administrative Service (IAS)and…
dgsd The Department of Science & Technology, Government of India has approved to…
dgsd The National Cadet Corps(NCC) has offered its volunteer cadets to assist the civilian…