First Agniveer to get killed in line of duty

  • Gawate Akshay Laxman has become the first Agniveer to be killed in the line of duty since the Agnipath scheme for the recruitment of soldiers was introduced.
  • He was deployed at the Siachen glacier which was the world’s highest battlefield.

About Agnipath Scheme

    • Launch – 14 June 2022
  • The government has unveiled Agnipath scheme for recruiting soldiers in Armed forces across the Three services (Army, Navy and Airforce) for a period of four years.
    • After four years, 25% of the batch will be recruited back into their respective services, for a period of 15 years.
  • Age criteria – between 17.5 years and 23 years.
  • The recruits do not enjoy pension benefits.


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