Ministry of External Affairs criticized Kerala government’s order appointing a Secretary in charge of External Cooperation, stating that State Governments should not intrude into matters that are beyond their constitutional jurisdiction. Constitutional provisions regarding External Affairs Seventh Schedule: Foreign affairs is placed under Union Article 253: Parliament has power to make any law for implementing any treaty with any other country or any decision made at any international conference, Article 293: Places restriction on the states to get foreign Recently, Union Government informed the Parliament that under Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA), over 6 crore trained and over 4.7 crore candidates have been PMGDISHA About PMGDISHA Launch – 2017 Implementing agency: CSC e-Governance Services India Beneficiaries: One person (age group of 14-60 years) from every eligible rural household. Objective – To make 6 crore persons in rural areas digitally literate.