Awards and Honors 'Tamil Chemmal' Award ▪ Tamil Development and Information Department Minister M.P. Saminathan presented the Tamil Chemmal Award to 38 people who have made outstanding contributions to Tamil development. ▪ The Tamil Nadu government gives various awards and honors to individuals and organizations serving the Tamil language, celebrating their service to Tamil. ▪ The 'Tamil Chemmal Award' is given annually to Tamil scholars who have served the Tamil department at the district level. ▪ Award recipients were given a check for Rs.25,000 each and a certificate. 73 People Receive Medals in Chennai Police Department; Ministry of Home Affairs ▪ The Ministry of Home Affairs presents medals for Excellence in Service (Ati Utkrisht Seva Padak) and Distinguished Service Medal (Utkrisht Seva Padak) to encourage police personnel and central security forces across India who perform excellently. These have been awarded since 2018. ▪ The Medal for Excellence in Service is given to police officers who have served for more than 25 years without any punishments, and the Distinguished Service Medal is given to police officers who have served for more than 15 years without any punishments. ▪ 73 people serving in the Chennai Metropolitan Police Department were announced as recipients for the years 2020-2021.