Tag: First semiconductor chip at India by Dec.2024.


First semiconductor chip at India by Dec.2024. The $2.7-billion semiconductor assembly and testing plant is to be built by U.S. headquartered Micron in India will produce its first chip in six quarters. The groundwork to domestically synthesize hundreds of chemicals and gases involved in semiconductor manufacturing had been laid. Ultra-pure water (UPW), which is required in semiconductor manufacturing in large quantities, would be manufactured for the Micron plant. ABOUT India Semiconductor Mission India Semiconductor Mission (ISM) is a specialized and independent Business Division within the Digital India Corporation. Aims - To build a vibrant semiconductor and display ecosystem to enable India’s emergence as a global hub for electronics manufacturing and design. Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology has inaugurated the first ever Semicon India 2022 Conference under India Semiconductor Mission in Bengaluru. Theme of the Conference: Catalyzing India’s Semiconductor Ecosystem. The ISM was launched in 2021 with a total financial outlay of Rs.76000 crore under the  aegis of the Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY).