21st session of FAO-WHO Coordinating Committee of Asia for 2019 held in Panaji, Goa
- The 21stsession of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and World Health Organisation (WHO) Coordinating Committee of Asia for 2019 was held at the Double Tree by Hilton Goa- Panaji, Goa from September 23-27, 2019. It was the second session of the Coordinating Committee in Asia, organized by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in collaboration with the WHO and FAO of the United Nations (UN).
Key Points:
- The aim of the session was to identify issues and explore best practices in food safety at primary production in the region and delegates from 18 member countries participated in the session.
- The committee was initially elected in July 2015 and was re-elected in July 2017 by the Codex Alimentations Commission (CAC).
CIAL ranked as the best airport in terms of customer satisfaction: ACI Survey
- In a survey conducted by Airport Council International (ACI), Cochin International Airport Ltd(CIAL) at Kochi, Kerala was named as the best airport in terms of services it offered to passengers. It stood at the top spot in 5-15 million passenger category among the airports in the Asia-Pacific region.
Key Points:
- In 2018, CIAL was the best airport in the 5-15 million category in the Asia Pacific region and received the recognition at the 2nd annual ACI Customer Experience Global Summit held at Bali, Indonesia.
- The annual Airport Service Quality (ASQ) awards by ACI ranks and awards the best airports in the world based on ASQ departure survey.
- ASQ is the only global airport survey based on measuring passengers’ satisfaction taken while they are at the airport.
President Ram Nath Kovind launched First Indigenous High Temperature Fuel Cell System by CSIR under NMITLI in Delhi
- The President of India, Shri RamNathKovind, launched first IndigenousHigh Temperature Fuel Cell System developed by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) under flagship programme named “New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI)”.
- This system was launched in partnership with Indian industries on the 78thfoundation day of CSIR in New Delhi. A book titled “Bhatnagar Laureates 1958-2018” was also released during the function.
- The President Shri Kovind, also presented Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prizes 2019 for outstanding contributions in science and technology during the event. He presented the CSIR Technology Awards to teams of CSIR and the G.N. Ramachandran Gold Medal to Prof.AmitabhaChattopadhyay of CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB).
Odisha unveils mascot “TikkiMausi” to combat malnutrition among women and children
- The Women and Child Development and Mission Shakti Department of Odisha unveiled a mascot named “TikkiMausi” in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for nutrition awareness purpose. A state-level communication strategy in partnership with UNICEF was also launched to make the public aware of nutrition in child and women for development.
Key Points:
- The mascot and the state level communication strategy was unveiled by Odisha’s Women and Child Development Minister TukuniSahu and UNICEF’s state chief Monika O Nielsen.
- The mascot was named as “TikkiMausi” with reference to second mother of a child