dgsd The 55thAnniversary of CRPF(Central Reserve Police Force) Valour Day was observed all over India. The…
dgsd Theme of the year 2020:‘Play Safe on Play True Day 2020’. About…
dgsd ThePulitzer Prize-winning American reporter for The Washington Post, Mary Jordan has written a book titled ‘The…
dgsd The book ‘The Wizenard Series: Season One’is created by American Basket baller Kobe Bryant &…
dgsd World Homeopathy day – April 10
dgsd The central government has declared April 14, the birthday of B R…
dgsd The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)Development Fund (SDF) has allocated USD 5 million (about Rs…
dgsd The Smart World and Communication Business Unit (SW&C BU) of Larsen & Toubro…
dgsd Animal rights body People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India has…
dgsd To provide better understanding and prevention of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), two new books…