dgsd The Swalekhan(self-writing) app is a tech offering conceptualised by the city-based Niwant Andh…
dgsd The successful training launch of nuclear-capable surface-to-surface ballistic missile (SSBM)‘Ghaznavi’ was held in…
dgsd For the 1sttime India, the City Union Bank (CUB) Limited , one of the…
dgsd The first Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)fully built by the industry will…
dgsd Union Minister Nitin Jairam Gadkari in his second innings has lined up…
dgsd A new coronavirusoriginating in Wuhan, China, that has claimed 17 lives may have…
dgsd The government stated that it has set up a National Startup Advisory Councilto…
dgsd Scientists of University of Vermontand Tufts University have created the world’s first living and self-healing robots Xenobots,…
dgsd “Young woman” named Vyom Mitra will ride to space in the first…
dgsd Mrityunjay Singhand Priya Rai the students of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Banaras Hindu…