dgsd The Government of Indiahas launched a Coronavirus risk-tracking Application (app) called “Corona Kavach”. The…
dgsd Corona infection mainly affects the lungs. Victims may have difficulty breathing. Therefore,…
dgsd NASA announced Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SUNRISE) mission.The mission is to…
dgsd The RBI is likely to cut benchmark interest rate by another 100…
dgsd Standard & Poor(S&P)Global Ratings has slashed down India’s growth forecast to 5% from 5.2%…
dgsd The ICICI Bank has launched Whatsapp bankingto assist its customers in meeting the banking needs from homes during the…
dgsd Author & screenwriter Satyarth Nayak authored his 1st non-fiction booktitled as ‘Sridevi: The…
dgsd The Economist, civil servant & Deputy Chairman of the Indian Planning Commission,…
dgsd Shokoofeh Azar’s The Enlightenment of The Greengage Tree was originally published in…
dgsd The All India Football Federation (AIFF) remains hopeful of organising the FIFA…